Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Artist Series dles deeply sinking

Excitement and despair carry miscellaneous monster roaring cry!
"Burst!Burst ……"
Should wear me 3 gun tiger the wolf rush toward a food generally, the fierce Tu goes to shoot;The top of head is tightly one gun, quickly and quietly lock, sneak attack;1 class is hurtled the ex-est downfall at last and by luck 4 enemies, spout Zhan to open on the flexible body beautiful magnificent at 4:00, same a play don't deliver of horrifying cry piteously, sign servant to fall on the ground.
"-" Shouts oneslef hoarse, horrifying and unwilling sad and shrill ghost Hao, in a flash then such as be empty split to fall of dry land muffled thunder."Bomb Long" are a , thoroughly ground the dead splitting the end in the billowing purgatory generally pen the air of fetter!
"The Suo pulls!Pan Se takes off a radicle!The section Mo takes off a radicle!Is empty to throw to take off a time to lift Kang!"Suddenly, conceal Teng Teng big trumpet within red white green Yun, have the Shi has no perhaps once again fierce stand in no fear of to deadly arrive the biggest volume, almost once covered top of head of the hand thunder/gun Liu of intermittence play of the explosion bellow, the full is anti-'C'form dish mountain curved way, all of two ears are a Chong Ying abruptly a several near crazy, very furious make ruthlessly oppressive overbearingly.Novel www..com
"What about Si Yi!"Echo, billowing thick smoke after, the Feng surges forward of one gather a crazy dog, the Ao Ao shouts loudly, explosion grief and indignation, dispirited the cruel beastliness of the knot for handing over to gather Yu;Inherit to develop full road to exert have no'rush through to die a brigade'of fierce stand in no fear of dead, after looking for billowing thick smoke, be been at several:00 caused white the Chi brightness shine on our shadow Zi Chuo Chuos nearby, the dint Jie hoarse monster roars ghost Hao;Resolving to succeed Dao is fierce, deathless endlessly reply to kill to come over to me!
"The Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu……"A string of string had long time no see, imitating the Buddha had to want souls to all tremble to split the arms and supplies shoot to as well move to ring out at the same time!
KPVT tank machine gun and DShKM big caliber machine gun, PK series in general use machine gun ……the whole I can see and can't see;Know, incognizant;The total amount is depressed at get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning Teng Teng green Yun after of layer after layer gun wood, at silent after a little while after, together with suppress Yu very long, appalling 2 A42s in the several soon shoots cannon, ZU234 the Xs turn Tang type archibald of fast fierce even shoot to hurriedly bellow.Look for round and round and raging flames package while signing in, a hair loudly the arrows sort is very clear to lift point of verdant get off the ground track, again if the volcano spews, the strong breeze your work flicks one wave ran over one wave, one is strong a , iron fire blends total Zhu but dashing surge, blazing bite the person's metal of storm;Is full Be spread to sky, the time is splashed to ground, hasty storm rain, breeze book cripple cloud is general, reflect at round and round Tao raging flames package in the sky in the Chen, use to wear deeply billowing dignified and blazing thick smoke, numerous and complicated row to pull up of a circuit is clear, the miscellaneous and disorderly intertexture becomes to wink to elapse, struck with fright or horror invisible and gray line shadow;With wear cloud crack stone, the Cui is withered to pull Xiu of the sort is matchless and ruthlessly oppressive, tiny sharply the Zhan Li wear medium of the sacred mountain of Cui Wei ascend each inch land!
The gun fire is flaming, play an act like rain, the urgent frailty of suddenly numerous and complicated denseness rings and bump a heap of, stired to make one regiment, achieved to once cover everything scattered explosion, abruptly surge flapping of open spaces mountain Yu deaf hair Kui.Machine frame, the Zu plays Chi and replies into machine Huang, the high-speed back and forth pushes to pull and throw hull to back to make of;That'Mao Ca and Mao Ca ……'one is tight a , is like a lather to urgently make the sort gold iron Si to whet and make people greatly terrified, toring the voice of heart crack lung the voice point is fierce sour puckery;Wore deeply my brain Lu, followed all over the place, wreak havoc to walk sideways of play a chain, shiver mountain Yu in, each silk ten cents imitates Buddha's air in the blazing combustion!
Is ex- to rush toward, crawl, lift an eye,cheap beats, impressively, so intensive of blunt gun Yan in the sky, rush toward in the ground, suddenly one wreath eye of I intensively and suddenly and violently shoot after then knowing heavily blazing smoke screen of the thermodynamic power source order to mutually be apart from certainly would not more than 50 meters.Count it the not pure Cu Cu thermodynamic power source reflect red as long as 6, 700 meter dish mountain about C form road noodles Hu curved.In the round and round and blazing package, imitate a Buddha each Li have already seethed to open to come once again in the air of blazing combustion.The desultoriness plays a chain to pare off to pull a strength with clear disease ash line and takes sharp and irritating to the ear Piao breeze and bind visual field to imitate the Buddha each Li curling up in the air rise Teng, blazing, dignified, make the air that people suffocate, sob in the ear, vacillating in the eye!Sputtering bonfire display, the Mao is purple flaming red, vie with each other in the Cu Cu gun fire that the Nu puts, even if across dead to generally sink the night view and billowing decorous blazing nitric smoke of Ning, still in my eyeful Zong Yi wear Peng Peng suddenly and violently project bright the eyes are piercing red strong light Yan!The cold idea is abrupt to rise, full of bellicosity, should wear to contend for Hui with round and round Tao blazing flame in the sky, the Peng Peng spouts to shoot after the billowing nitric smoke of blunt tail Yan in the sky, piercing my eye, at this time of I this just discovering what I face is an enemy armor trip car already infinite come close!
About across an attack the noodles radius be apart from thick reach the dignified nitric smoke that the space of about 3, 400 meters is apart from;Look for signal rocket, three side collects since then of the Cu Cu gun Yan, fall an of lifting the eye at me, abruptly and one after another the play increases, with the power of the fresh breeze rain-storm, at I all around the surroundings Zong Nue Zi wildly wear matchless violence.The arms and supplies voice is more fierce, shout to kill a voice more male, abruptly start to reply to walk sideways the machine gun Zan that didn't hate to shoot once again, the cannon voice bellow, be like on recording a cardiac, beat at was fast fierce to follow from the empress, layer after layer smoke screen after a floating to I fast fierce radical of crazy dog at heart.
Spark us in the flare clear outline after the thick smoke, silent after a little while, the metal storm of fresh breeze shower sort hurtles me once again precision about write all over the place.Take in a flash and deliver excited monster Hao and rant more, stars thermodynamic power take and alternately shoot, give support to a tyrant, even if momentarily again have the several people as the top of head stray bullet that wear and without restraint walk sideways of short edge crest in the precipice, hurriedly the cold gun make a surprise attack of Yang Ting Feng Be surprised to shout to bellow Liao and pour, shoot~dead, still the crest is after wearing carry on the back abruptly but rise, wild wreak havoc, iron fire the fresh breeze rain-storm of the total Zhu, the Ao Ao shouting oneslef hoarse roars, the life and death didn't fear to of the facing visual field is basic and clear, flurried the storm falling on the flat road noodles, deeply sinking metal wreak havoc in, almost didn't hide non- Yan we 3 kill and come up!Enemy at long dish hill path noodles up recent however 100 meters ……
Through the billowing blazing thick heavy nitric smoke, verdant of the Jin in the eyes go into wild status and reply toward me am fierce blunt come up of the enemy of subsequence, momentarily suddenly convex come out;Make open to love blood beastliness, fierce stand in no fear of dead,Artist Series, Yi however don't fear to, all without exception distort ferocious side to permit;Person's head flows out and reflect in the round and round blazing flame Chen in, a pair of doubles Jing sprays fiery blood Tong and spout to shoot to bite a person of ruthlessly oppressive!Back to abruptly press of one wave tight the arms and supplies of one wave together blare, fierce rush toward to come forward, arrive near shoot, the rant of Ao Ao shout oneslef hoarse, seem the proud Yang of matchless excitement announce, they are matchless to believe firmly, matchless assurance, give its cool fierce fighting, blood-red color nightmare of we are several empties, certanly will sweep to make Ji powder for its Tao thermodynamic power in the sky,http://www.4udrdrebeatscheap.com, certanly will flow to step to make minced meat for its billowing person ……however current affairs head quarter at person satisfied of, make a show of destiny the most ruthlessness of heartless-
Meng however unknown enemy, in no case will thought of with that the body makes insurance of we, this is to use own brave force, will it the Qing nest expel and force the impish son grows crazy more wildly and more to deliver fierce facing oneself's deathblow, excited get the Ao Ao shout loudly, a head of bumps!Want our lives?That must ask a prison prison to cover at our top of head, living bye we put together to fight to the death to live to put together to come to soldier an achievement a chapter half go to of those***answer not to promise!

Text ground meat machine(7)
Renew time:2009-1-812:25:52 chapter word numbers:2429

Open fire?Open gunfire?Is the tail Yan blunt sky of to stab an eye?Release wild diagram of smoke screen to evade gunfire stroke crazily, just stupid don't get, negative the corner resist stubbornly of the enemy get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning and deceive yourself as well as others of the Yan ear thief's bell.The fierce armoured vehicle carries thermodynamic power, don't open fire O.K., once open fire, how can can escape to equally lend billowing decorous smoke screen to cover, fast fierce hurtled gentle ascent, has row short precipice edge;Silently the voice covers my onrush, the cannon of the 5 lines of brotherseses?Besides, our in hand can not only this cannon ……but is follow a leaf old toghter delivered crazy of those***, the regardless of front line warfare equally becomes critical and searched out other cannon to grow have never calculated to make inside of exactly 9 force a cannon camp, Nian wear the oneself infantry brothers bottom the dozen assault;Each the sky that bombard before depending according to the geography kills artillery!Six connect is as for the whole sacrifice and effort of the red 1 regiment, red 2 regiments, not for the sake of shot Kui these impish sons stare at it in order to help rice straw, press a box of main force of bottom;But is clean thoroughly will set up with props the impish son lingers on of the bottom spirit, use the coolest fierce the most malicious hot way, over Related articles:

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