Monday, November 12, 2012

beats by dr dre pro heavily strike all

The words give him.Bye open his ground hand, very earnest way:"Adult.My possibility for saying isn't that good to listen, whole is the truth, you want well by yourself."
Chen Que keeps stamping foot and points at Chen late glory to scold:"Oh, late glory elder brother!If you chase them three whole dead, I at most say that you accidentally lose, not pain not Yang ground matter.Can you captured alive 3 people and also handed over a my hand, I always not ability directly to kill?I am courtly officials, not a bandit, work speak a Lyu method, must speak stand rule!"
Chen Wan Rong really wants to counter-question him"you since want to press the stand rule to handle affairs, why still make this kind of slanting heresy in the door?Make to plant dirty frame-up?"Again fear his face up can not stand, open a fun way:"Adult, there is no stand rule, know for the nobody, can you not rise sharply?"
These are a fun words, said even if, unexpectedly Chen Que's facial expression is abrupt to change, heavily strike all of a sudden on the table, the with angry look circle stares and looking at Chen Wan Rong:"Chen Wan Rong, you don't blather words!Hum!"Once the tunic Xiu kiss and turn round and then walk.
Wang Shao Hua's favour tries to catch up with to pull:"Adult stops sending off!The glory elder brother is late to open a fun, you don't want into an in the mind to go.Late glory elder brother, you this words were excessive.Who is adult ?Last year by this time, adult was still courtly three article big member, if adult wanted to promote, can't do the business of giving offense to the person."
Words say very unclearly, but Chen Wan Rong want to get reason, can three article the big member Liao arrives rather county to do a county to make, only a person can attain, that is the peace princess.Chen Que is rather necessarily to not be attached to her, just seek for her to lend to make to arrive a county to come to ground.
It is true to have never thought, always clap oneself, Ma Pi Di, , Chen Que, to originally still have such a career.When the cluster minister shuts up, Chen Que presumes to resist a peace princess, this bearing lets public, Chen Wan Rong is many the good will is for three cents.
Now that he and peace the princess resist, so he is the prince's person, don't blame him so enthusiasm to offer congratulation Chen again glory, dare feeling his political sense of smell pretty work properly.By so doing, he and Chen again the glory belong to front of, Chen the glory late must reconsider some problems and embrace a boxing to salute a way:"Put her foot into it, ask adult to stop anger.If adult really needs to remove evils from the people, in fact the way isn't a lot of, necessarily don't want to do something like this ."
Chen Wan Rong says very sincerely, Chen Que's wrath also is getting more even, make gift in return a way:"The glory elder brother late talks heavy.Excuse me, the glory elder brother in night, can have a wonderful plan?"
"The wonderful plan doesn't dare and pour is have a little shallow view.Adult even are the princesses all not afraid, why the need for care this square private?How to should do how do, on a large scale of check be."The Chen Wan Rong's landlord idea isn't enough brilliant, but very virtuous.
Chen Que's hands keep shaking, way:"Late glory elder brother, you aren't in the officialdom, don't know this water have much deep.You say of, Chen Mou's did it ever isn't understand, just Chen Mou want to in advance handle before Chang-an interfering, so as not to have future trouble."
The Chen glory late asks a way:"Adult please forgive me to say a disrespect ground words, you not afraid make reprisals for person?"
Chen Que ha ha a say with smile:"Eat the Lu of gentleman, loyalty the matter of the gentleman!My Chen Que is loyal to imperial government, although the dead has no Han!"Say sense of right Lin however.
Chen Wan Rong from the in the mind applauds and says with smile:"Well said!Since so, does adult why not round up all at one fell swoop these bad people?"
Wang Shao Hua once connects a words head way:"Chen Xiong says surely goodly, just these bandit persons scatter everywhere, the momentary is hard to gather together.If Chang-an the aspect don't interfere, we certainly can make."
Underneath of words didn't say, but again understand however, there is no time, Chen Wan Rong is tiny tiny on smiling, way:"Can not all hold tight, hold tight cause is also okay."
In Wang Shao Hua and Chen Que Yans put only, together the voice asks a way:"Can there is wonderful plan?"
"The wonderful plan talks not up, I have a ready-made bait here!"Chen Wan Rong a still as before, slowly answer.

The road chapter 69 silver of the second hair house is many
Renew time:2009-4-2119:29:23 chapter word numbers:5669

3 people accounted an argument old long for a while, this just comes out.Zheng Qing has already waited Chen Wan Rong, just due to Chen the glory be late occupied in replying, can from a distance looking at.
"Late glory elder brother, the D was some to take leave!"Chen Que embraces a boxing to salute.
The Chen glory late embraces a boxing to make do not:"Adult walks like!"
Once Chen Que Shou flick, Europe wins to take Ya service and escorted three bandits yard, return to county Ya to go.
"Clean up ground for a while."Chen Wan Rong to Xiao still the glory order 1.
Is Chen Wan Rong don't say, Xiao still the glory also know how to do, should be an and called several personal, beat to well water, ground blunt clean.
Zheng Qing walks to Chen Wan Rong nearby and in a soft voice reminds a way:"Eldest brother Chen, from now on, you must be careful some."Three bad people even the officer is bad all don't put eye in, by all means have very huge influence, 3 people are in the news that here catch on spreading, their partners still don't follow but go to of truth, this words but make reference to an idea to ascend.
If not that in consideration of this, Chen Wan Rong just can't account an argument with Chen Que so long, want to much grasp possibly these people.Can not necessarily all hold tight, but grasp more much, oneself is more safe, this truth puts clearly.The Chen glory late nods, light tone way:"Thank you to remind, I also think so."
Chen Wan Rong has already thoughted of that in order to trust, Zheng Qing Da Dun is shallow shallow a smile:"Eldest brother Chen, I worried needlessly."
"Which ability, you is BE I good!"The very sincere way of Chen Wan Rong.
Zheng Qing of this words is very enjoyable, blunt Chen Wan Rong smiles sweetly.Just like bloom fresh flowers, rich in beauty.
The Chen honest husband and wife come over here, Chen Wang Shi is wrinkly eyebrows.Have several color of sharing sorrowses, ask a way:"Late glory, what person are all of these ?Connect an officer bad all not afraid."
She is to worry to make reprisals for person, only say tactfully just, if honesty Chen comes to say, affirmation was to keep around.
Honesty Chen takes aim Wang Shao Hua's room, the forehead has some not happy, stare at Chen Wan Rong not to talk.Its meaning is again understand however.Those are this matters to all rise because of Wang Shao Hua, early know to why the need for save him.
This viewpoint Chen Wan Rong's apprehensibility, just he doesn't know Wang Shao Hua's background, Chen Wan Rong has to save.Said again, these bandit thus ferocious, you even if don't ask for him, perhaps which the day seek to come come, hide to also hide not to drop.
Certainly, these viewpoints can not say, Chen the glory late say with smile:"Niang.You need not worry, didn't all not hold tight?"
"Late glory, the Niang saw out, they still have partner, otherwise adult can't make you negotiate."Chen Wang Shi ground the taste is still really severe, even this also saw through.
Chen Wan Rong to not make her worried, in all seriousness way:"Niang, you stop worrying, can't occupy.Adult, don't you still believe?He is so good to us.Will definitely protect we are thoughtful."
Chen Que is really quite good to Chen Jia,beats by dr dre pro, Chen Wang Shi trusted and said with smile:"That good!"And Chen honesty trust of go to.
Zheng Qing blinks to expect bright eyes and conjectures Chen Wan Rong:"Eldest brother Chen.Did you give adult idea?"Zheng Qing is really a good bosom friend, even this also saw out.::
The Chen glory late vetoes a way:"Have no, we said some matters."Not being to have intention to deceive her is this matter the more little person know it's more good.
"Is little to come!"Zheng Qing Jiao Chen gets up:"Are you the simpleton to the family?Even this all cans not sees clearly.You see to have no, when adult leaves, to the utmost admire more to you in eye of color.If not that you give what good idea, will he see you like this?"
Observe really cautiously, this predicts ability to let a public more.Chen Wan Rong from the in the mind concedes.Depress an orotund way:"Seek an opportunity then say for you."
"Still wait very an opportunity, the arriving says for me in house."Zheng Qing has to order curious:"Eldest brother Chen's idea.Must be very brilliant."
Lo she that is eager to knowing appearance, Chen Wan Rong also not brush-off is about to agree, listens to a burst of car wheel voice, horse's hoofs Related articles:

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